KeyCue Icon
Product: KeyCue - find, remember, and learn menu shortcuts
Price: Eur 19.99
KeyCue 10 Adds/Changes Keyboard Commands
I have written about KeyCue before. It has been updated to version 10. Most of what I wrote about KeyCue is still applicable. KeyCue is the best program to help you learn keyboard commands while you use applications. I find it critical to my workflow to achieve familiarity with the programs I rely on. It works. Efficiently and reliably.
KeyCue 10 Adds Shortcuts to Menu Commands
KeyCue lets you add/change keyboard commands to menu items in applications.
To add/change a keyboard command to a menu item in an application, you had to go to the Keyboard pane of System Preferences. Click on the Shortcuts tab, choose the App Shortcuts item and go through the process of adding/changing keyboard commands.
With KeyCue 10, you can point at the menu item in the application, press and hold down the desired keyboard command. There is an animation to show you that the command is assigned. You are done. If there is a conflict with some other menu command, it is removed from the original item and assigned to your chosen menu item.
You can assign commands to any visible menu command, including those which are currently unavailable (dimmed). Some applications, BBEdit for example, use icon menus at the right end of the menu bar. You cannot add keyboard commands to those.
This feature alone is worth the upgrade price. Makes adding/changing keyboard commands easy. I love it.
More KeyCue Features
KeyCue ships with an extensive manual. Go through it to learn the intricacies of the product. I am not going to repeat the details. There are a couple of things it does which I want to highlight.
- You get to omit keyboard commands you already know automatically. Makes the list that KeyCue shows you easier to skim through.
- You can make your own cheat sheet for applications which do not have all of the commands shown in the menu. For example, Sublime Text and Obsidian.
KeyCue 10 is a worthwhile upgrade. It gives you the tools to be better at using your applications. I love this program.
It is recommended heartily.
macosxguru at the gmail thingie.