November 2, 2015

Review of TextNut

TextNut iconTextNut icon

Product: TextNut
Price: Regular $34.99 On sale for $16.99

TextNut is at its base a text editor which supports CommonMark. CommonMark is an attempt at a standardized Markdown specification. At this point, there are two editors, which I know of, which are based on CommonMark, this one, TextNut, and Versatil Markdown. I am going to talk about Versatil Markdown in a later post.

Who are the competitors of this product?

It competes with Write for Mac. It has an advantage over Write for Mac, in that the development on Write has ceased. It competes with Ulysses. It also competes with the various note-taking programs like Katana - Note app for Mac OSX, nvALT -, and a host of others who have been playing in that space.

I am not going to talk about Write for Mac in this review. It saddens me that a very well designed product has been essentially abandoned by the developer. I cannot recommend it anymore and so we are going to keep it out of this review.

The main distinction between the various note-taking programs and TextNut is that the alternatives only have the ability to manage one folder of text files. TextNut manages as many folders as you want. It is very similar to the model Ulysses uses. You can create, edit and manage documents which reside in its Library or you can add folders from your Mac. You can create, edit and manage files in these folders on your Mac. I didn't find any major differences in the way TextNut handles its own library files and the external folder files. This ability of TextNut to handle multiple folders of text files from your Macintosh hard drive immediately differentiates it from the competition.

WYSIWYG Environment

TextNut tries to hide you from Markdown by its implementation of what it calls a WYSIWYG markdown editing environment. You style the text as you want and it incorporates the markdown code around your styles. For those, who are starting out with markdown, this is not a bad workaround. For others, who are comfortable with markdown, this is unnecessary. Considering that markdown in its basic implementation is pretty easy to pick up, I am not sure that this feature has too much traction. But it is a solution for those who are not comfortable with markdown and it lets them write and then their content is seamlessly converted to markdown and that must appeal to some people. TextNut lets you switch between its WYSIWYG mode and markdown mode on the fly and that is a convenient feature if you are interested in previewing your markdown document.

Language Syntax Highlighting

TextNut is a tad confusing when you consider that it provides a WYSIWYG environment for markdown novices but provides full syntax highlighting in its implementation of code blocks. Wouldn't the writer who is familiar with code, also find it easy to learn markdown? It is a nice touch for those who pepper their markdown documents with code snippets. For the rest of the users, it is not a feature which is very useful. But you do get full syntax highlighting for your code snippets, and it does support a plethora of languages.

Easy Document Management

The ability to handle documents both in its internal library and in external folders is a feature shared by TextNut with Ulysses. It makes handling a whole bunch of text files easier. You can drag and drop files from one folder to the other, you also have the ability to preview, export, rename or reveal in Finder right from the sidebar files you have in an external folder. In the Library folder, files cab be previewed, exported or deleted to trash.

Document managementDocument management

One significant difference between TextNut and Ulysses is that TextNut doesn't support iCloud. TextNut doesn't have a corresponding iOS version, so it doesn't need to do that. Your files in TextNut are all residing on your computer: some in the TextNut Library and some in folders on your Macintosh. If you are looking for a cloud backup, you can add folders from your Dropbox folder, or any cloud folder, and TextNut handles them fine.

In this category, the ability to handle multiple folders is much requested. Users have their own organization schema and they like it when a note-taking program can handle all their notes from different folders rather than forcing them to use one folder for all their notes. Ulysses does provide the same ability. Solutions like nvALT, and Katana, do not.

TextNut provides a tagging ability within the program. These are not shared with the Finder, so it is a tagging system unique to the product itself. You add tags to your document in the following form +tag+ +tag2+ and so on. It is a nice system, which is useful if you decide to do a lot of your writing in TextNut. Interestingly, and I do not know whether this is a bug or not, tags only work in files which are in the TextNut Library. If you add tags to your files which reside in external folders, TextNut records them in the Tags but it doesn't let you jump to the file by clicking on it. Files which are in the TextNut Library are easily reached by just clicking on them in the Tags document.


Ulysses implements tags differently. You can assign keywords to your documents, and they can be searched. Ulysses also suffers from the same bug/feature in that tags are accessible when they are in the iCloud folder or in its internal library, but not external files.


TextNut provides you the ability to use themes. It ships with six themes and you can duplicate and modify them to your hearts content. Unlike Ulysses it doesn't let you export your creations and share with the world. Ulysses provides more fine-grained control in your theme design while TextNut is adequate in its implementation.



You can export your content from TextNut as markdown, html, PDF or RTF. Those are the usual standard options and TextNut does a decent enough job in that regard. It doesn't hold a candle to Ulysses's output skills though. It doesn't let you define the formatting of your output. It doesn't do epub's and it is severely constrained when you consider the choices Ulysses provides in this space. TextNut lets you get the content out of the program but doesn't let you do anything interesting with it. It is sufficient but not competitive with Ulysses.


Ulysses is conceptualized as a writing and publishing solution, and that explains the control over its output. TextNut is a basic note-taking program and is not overtly concerned with providing you fine-grain control over your output.

Zen Mode

I don't see the benefits of Zen mode. It does not include typewriter scrolling. It is just an attempt to take away the chrome from your editing window. In zen mode, the title bar disappears and the sidebar disappears. Seems to me that this is a pretty standardized implementation in almost all of these markdown based editors. Byword, iA Writer, and a whole host of its competitors do a much better job of providing an environment for you to write in. Zen mode in TextNut is an imperfect and incomplete implementation of an old idea. Ulysses the main competitor to this product does this in much more innovative ways.

Again, it seems to me that TextNut is aware of a feature in this space, but doesn’t care enough to implement it with any degree of precision or thought. If you have a three-panel application, it is not at all unusual to hide two of the panels and focus on the editor panel. Every application in this space does this. Calling it “zen mode” is just marketing hogwash and lazy. There is nothing zen about this mode. Just hiding the chrome around the window and the panels doesn’t equate to any zen you are going to be happy in. How could this be improved? Add typewriter scrolling, focus on sentence or paragraph, let me implement typewriter scrolling at any point I want. Try to provide an environment which lets me write better: then you can call it zen.

Advanced Markdown Styles

Like Ulysses, TextNut supports lists, blockquotes, codeblocks, images, footnotes and the like. The one thing that TextNut covers which Ulysses doesn't is Tasks. It is a not a part of the CommonMark Specifications, it is an addition from TextNut. If you are looking to manage a list of tasks amongst your text files it is not a bad solution. In fact, this is one feature which this program has implemented that is not available from its competitors. Erato, through its support of Github flavored markdown also provides a task list implementation, but Ulysses or Katana doesn’t.


TextNut is a nice addition to the arsenal of note-taking apps. It brings the ability to handle multiple folders. It provides some nice touches, WYSIWYG markdown editing, CommonMark specifications, an underwhelming zen mode, and Filters & Tags. If you take your writing and note-taking seriously, you are better off with Ulysses. It is just better at providing a writing environment for the user. If you are resource constrained, TextNut is not a bad choice, specially at the reduced price point.

macosxguru at the gmail thingie

TextNut Ulysses Writing
November 2, 2015

Here today gone tomorrow

(Originally posted on 2015-10-19)

Two things happened:

  1. Write for Mac and Write for iPad ceased development
  2. Glamdevelopment’s website has gone dark. They are the developers of Outlinely.

Sunk costs of software adoption

I liked both products. I wrote about them. Here and here. I have them installed on my machine and I use them periodically. They are not going to be developed any more.

What does that mean?

That means that bugs are not going to be fixed. New system features are not going to be supported. For instance, El Capitan gives us Split View. It is never going to be incorporated into these products. Outlinely would be an useful product in split view. They will continue to function till some system change makes them unusable.

Let me make this clear so that we completely understand each other: The developers selling a version of the product are just selling that version. There is no implied agreement that the product will continue to be developed. As a consumer we are buying the present version and nothing else. There is no guarantee of an upgrade path, or compatibility with future versions of the OS update.

As an user, however, when you decide to adopt a product into your workflow, there are investments you make in that decision.

  1. The cost of the application.
  2. The time spent learning how the product functions. Getting to know how some of these products work takes time and energy. You put in the effort since you believe that the product is going to add value to your workflow and it is this time spent pursuing the benefits of using the product you lose when you have to move on to another solution.
  3. The work which is stuck in the application. Most of these applications have their own file formats and all your work in it gets saved to these file formats. If the application ceases development, and you can't use the application anymore, you are caught with files which are not readable anymore. In other words, you are locked out of your own work.

So, from the perspective of the user it makes sense to choose a product which is going to continue to be developed. The time and energy commitment to learning to use the product is better served that way.

What does the user do?

How does an user who is looking for a solution to a problem find a solution which is going to have legs? Going to be developed for a few years? Is going to evolve with the OS?

Sadly, there are no easy answers. There is an answer but it is not the most efficient of answers. Buy from established developers is the answer. But I am not sure it is the most efficient answer. When you buy from an established outfit an ancillary benefit is the history they bring to the transaction. If you are looking for a text editor, you can buy BBEdit. You are not going to have any problems with the developer disappearing or the product being abandoned. Barebones has been making BBEdit for 20+ years, and they are not going away anytime soon. You are going to get a fantastic text editor, which is well-supported and has a record of keeping up with system updates for a long time. Taking the trouble to learn the ins and outs of BBEdit will stand you in good stead for a very long time. It is an investment worth making. If you are looking for an outliner, buy OmniOutliner or OmniOutliner Pro. Omnigroup, the developer, has also been around for a very long time and they are very well established in the marketplace. They are not going away any time soon. Both of these products are great examples of well supported and consistently updated pieces of software which are a pleasure to use.

So, what is the downside?

By definition, the established houses are risk-averse and it shows in their software. In the current marketplace of text editors, BBEdit certainly lags behind both SublimeText 3 and Atom in terms of features. The newcomers are hungrier. They are more interested in differentiation and they are eager to adopt new technologies. Multiple cursors in Sublime Text 3 and the webkit implementation of Atom being two indicators of this trend. OmniOutliner does things no outliner was really supposed to be doing, and that is unique to this product. Omnigroup has done a great job of keeping this product at the cutting edge of what an outliner is supposed to do. Although even in that market space, Outlinely with its Markdown roots and FoldingText with its different modes has shown us what more can be achieved through an outliner. Thus, even though this is not a statement which can be applied in every circumstance, if you are looking for innovation or innovative features in a category, the newcomers are a much better bet than the established powerhouses. So, when you adopt the established product you are giving up on some features which distinguish the newer competition. Is this trade off worth it? That is a difficult question to answer when you bring in another criteria to the decision. The offerings from the established products are usually priced higher than the newcomers. This is not always true, but generally true. An exception of course is that SublimeText 3 is more expensive than BBEdit. But SublimeText 3 is cross-platform and a license entitles you to use the product in every platform it is available in. Atom of course, is free.

So, what does the user do?

  1. Only adopt products which have a clear output path. You should be able to output your data from the product into an application independent format. Standardized formats are well supported across a wide choice of applications and they include, .txt, .rtf, .pdf, .doc, .md, and so on. Before adopting a product make sure that the data you input into it can be exported to a format which is universally accessible. If the product doesn't do that, take it out of your consideration set.
  2. Adopt multiple products in categories. If the outlining category is important to you, adopt OmniOutliner and one of the newcomers. If text editors are not that important to you (considering that I spent my life in text editors I have no idea who you are anymore), adopt one of the established ones, BBEdit is a great choice and don't worry about cutting edge features. Learn it well. You are going to find a lot of uses for it.
  3. Look at products which are task specific. They bring specificity to the problem they are trying to solve and that leads to innovation and improvements which the generalists do not have the motive to consider. Ulysses is great for writers of all kinds, the newest version of iA Writer is not bad, Byword is a great web publishing solution.

Silver lining

I must tell you about an application called Opal. I wrote about it on June 28, 2009, here. Yes. You read that right. 2009. It was last updated on 14th October, 2009. That is 6 years ago. I still use it. It works like a charm and is as efficient as it always was. Sometimes software surprises you.


Software Mac OS
November 1, 2015

Links of Note 2015-11-01

A fantastic resource. A curated list of shell commands and tools specific to OS X.

Everything you ever wanted to know about San Francisco, the font.
Why San Francisco
Arriving at San Francisco

Great examples of well written release notes.
Release Notes Heroes

Scrivener Resources
Scrivener Resources | Star Tier

Apple TV Aerial Screensaver for Mac

October 31, 2015

Activate dark mode with a keyboard command

(Originally posted on 2014-12-19)

Dark mode in Yosemite/El Capitan can be applied by opening up System Preferences>General and checking a box. But you can also use a keyboard command if you do the following:

In terminal, input this

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist _HIEnableThemeSwitchHotKey -bool true

This is a sudo command, so it will ask for your password. Be careful that you type it out carefully. Logout and log back in.

You can now toggle Dark mode on/off by typing ⌘⌥⌃T.

macosxguru at the gmail thingie

Tweak Mac OS
October 29, 2015

More info from the Weather app.

(Originally posted on 2014-02-13)

In the weather app, tap on the large temperature display.

Temp DisplayTemp Display

You get to see the humidity levels, the percentage chance of rain in the future, wind speed and direction and what the temperature feels like. I have never understood the last statistic. What is the difference between what it is and what it feels like? Anyway, if weather is your thing and these statistics make sense to you, this is where you find them.

Weather detailsWeather details

Tap the area again to go back to the temperature display.

macosxguru at the gmail thingie

Weather iOS