January 3, 2022
QB 002: HoudahSpot Finds
HoudahSpot Icon
Product: HoudahSpot – Powerful File Search Tool for Mac
Price: $34
HoudahSpot Improves on Spotlight
HoudahSpot window
HoudahSpot is what I use to find files on my computer. It leverages the power of Spotlight to give me a search experience which is fast, efficient and complete. HoudahSpot is feature-rich and designed to be your one-step solution for file search.
This is deep search with a lovely interface which will make the process of searching for the right file both intuitive and comprehensive.
HoudahSpot is well documented. Check out the tips and tricks blog.
Features I am fond of:
- Search by both filename and content.
- Saved searches.
- Ability to exclude folders to narrow the search.
- Combining criteria to isolate the files I am looking for.
- Quick preview.
- Ability to copy and move files from one location to another.
This is good software. Recommended heartily.
macosxguru at the gmail thingie.
QB = Quick Bites
December 29, 2021
2021 Review
Focus on Obsidian
This is an easy post to write. 2021 was the year of Obsidian for me.
Obsidian took over all my writing. The best feature of Obsidian is the plugin infrastructure.
The schemar/obsidian-tasks: Task management for the Obsidian knowledge base. and the mgmeyers/obsidian-kanban: Create markdown-backed Kanban boards in Obsidian. have extended Markdown and Obsidian in ways I hadn’t thought possible.
I am not using one of the major plugins in the ecosystem: obsidian-dataview. Haven’t had the time to understand how that works.
Not sold on the whole Knowledge Management bandwagon either. I use Obsidian to write everything. I am not creating a second brain or anything like that. I am writing in it. Everything. The goal is to write. Use it as the main text editor, and manage my schedule and tasks while I am in the program. It is my one-stop-shop for all my writing. The charm of the graph-view of my notes is lost on me. Not interested in that. As you can tell, my use-case is different from the usual Obsidian evangelist.
I love the community around the product. There are new plugins and themes appearing at an astonishing rate and they enhance the experience of using Obsidian.
It is an efficient Markdown based text editor for me.
Pain Points in Obsidian
- Non-native. Doesn’t support Services and other system features. It bugs me. Typora proves that an Electron app can support Services and other system features. Wish Obsidian caught up with that.
- Live Preview. I am sure I don’t need that. Hiding the Markdown syntax is not something I care for.
- Electron apps have a tendency to feel “heavy.” I don’t have a better way of describing the experience. Drafts or iA Writer have a much lighter feel to them. I miss that sometimes.
Everything Else
Looking Forward
I need a new machine. Waiting for the next generation iMacs. I will be in the market for a new machine when that is available.
Hoping and wishing you a better 2022.
Take care.
macosxguru at the gmail thingie.
Thanks to Photo by Tyler Lastovich from Pexels
December 25, 2021
QB 001: Grammarly Turns Off System Spell Checker
Grammarly for Mac turns off the system’s ability to spell check your documents. You can regain the use of the system spell checker by running the following command in the terminal:
defaults write -g NSAllowContinuousSpellChecking -bool true
Restart the applications where you need spell checking. I also deleted Grammarly from the machine. That is unacceptable behavior from an application. If you are turning off a system feature, you need to let the user know and provide explicit directions on how to get back to the original state.
Thanks to John Bennett of Information Architects for clueing me in to the solution.
macosxguru at the gmail thingie.
QB = Quick Bites
October 6, 2021
nimblenote icon
nimblenote Is a Simple, Keyboard-Driven Notetaker
Product: nimblenote
Price: Free (donations encouraged)
nimblenote is another Notational Velocity clone. nimblenote is keyboard driven and Markdown compliant. It is a cross-platform application, with versions for macOS, Windows and Linux.
nimblenote window
It is a simple program for fast note-taking. To access the preferences, you have to go to your Library>Application Support>nimblenote
folder to find a file called nimblenote.json
. You can add the following line to the file to get nimblenote to deal with a different folder for your notes than the program default.
"notesStoragePath": "/Users/(username)/Documents/notes"
Replace the (username) with your username, and direct nimblenote to the folder of your notes. I threw about 1400 files at nimblenote and it chugged along with no problems.
If you type ?
in the unibar, you will get access to help. It is not extensive. The program doesn’t do much. The Esc
key switches focus between the unibar and the editor window.
This is not a program competing with the major players in the note-taking space. It is a simple note-taker. A quick in and out tool which lets you keep a folder of notes and lets you access, add, remove, and manage the notes in that folder.
Suggested Improvements
nimblenote could become better with the following additions:
- Let me use my own fonts.
- Give me control over line spacing.
- Additional themes would be welcome.
nimblenote is heartily recommended. It is a free, fast, and competent note-taking tool.
macosxguru at the gmail thingie.
September 27, 2021
Twisting Road
Links of Note 2021-09-27
macosxguru at the gmail thingie.
Thanks to Photo by Joshua Welch from Pexels