April 23, 2016

Links of Note 2016-04-23

Nice free mini course to learn Markdown
Mastering Markdown - A free mini course by Wes Bos

Yet another Messaging Network.
Wire — modern, private communication. For iOS, Android, OS X, Windows and web.

Interesting attempt to make writing more coherent.
mortenjust/cleartext-mac: A text editor that only allows the top 1000 most common words in English

Paid App Store search? A bad idea?
Michael Tsai - Blog - Paid App Store Search

RansomWhere? We are coming to a world where we need this.

Terminal based geekery.
Unveil hidden Mac OS X features

Markdown Messaging Cleartext Malware

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TextExpander 6 and Mac Celebrities Show Their Colors TextExpander | Simply Indispensable version 6.0 just launched. This is a product I have been using for a long time. It is a valuable part of my
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iA Writer Grows Up in Meaningful Ways iA Writer iA Writer initially awed us by its blue cursor and Nitti fontface. Its minimalistic aesthetic, and its lack of preferences. It was