April 3, 2016

Cloud Outliner Pro 2: An Easy to Use, Cross-Platform Outliner


Product: Cloud Outliner Pro 2
Price: $6.99 for Mac version, $2.99 for iOS Universal app.

I discovered that I suffer from glazomania. It is defined as a passion for making lists. I learned about the condition from Listful Thinking: Using Lists to Be More Productive, Successful and Less Stressed Kindle Edition by Julie Morgenstern Paula Rizzo. This is an informative little book which improves your list-taking processes.

I like lists. So, I have been looking around for an outliner on the iPad. I have OmniOutliner 2, but it strikes me as overkill for most of the quick outlines I am interested in. It is a great product. If you live in outlines, it is a product you should investigate. But I was looking for something simpler. Something I could make lists in without reading a manual. Something quick and simple.

I came across Cloud Outliner Pro 2 and decided to see what that was all about. The product is a cross-platform outliner, in the sense that it has both an iOS version and a Mac version. It is also priced very reasonably, $6.99 for the Mac version and $2.99 for the iOS version.

iOS versioniOS version

Both on iOS, and on Mac OS X, Cloud Outliner Pro 2, is well designed and efficient at managing lists. It has all the usual features, this is a non-comprehensive list of features I consider important in an outliner:

  1. Optional checkboxes.
  2. Optional automatic numbering (three styles).
  3. Ability to add notes to items.
  4. Customizable text size, color and style.
  5. Ability to move items by both keyboard commands and drag and drop.
  6. View completed tasks.
  7. Filters for displaying only checked or only unchecked items.
  8. Collapse/Expand functionality for all itmes.
  9. Automatic highlighting of links and phone numbers.
  10. On iOS, portrait and landscape support.
  11. On iOS, wireless keyboard support and a wide range of keyboard commands.
  12. On iOS, swipe left and right to change indentation level.
  13. Password protection.
  14. Customizable document templates.
  15. Flexible document manager.
  16. Sync documents across all devices through iCloud.
  17. Sync outlines through Evernote. (I have not tested this feature. I am not into Evernote).
  18. Export of outlines to PDF and HTML. (I would have preferred an additional option to export as markdown).
  19. Import and export of OPML files.
  20. Light and Dark themes.

Mac OS versionMac OS version

On both platforms this is a well-designed and feature-rich outliner. Distinguished by being quick, and keyboard friendly, I am happy to recommend this to anyone looking for a cross-platform outliner.

You can buy the products by using the following links and sending a few cents my way. Thank you for the support.

Cloud Outliner Pro 2 $6.99

Cloud Outline Pro 2 for iOS $2.99

macosxguru at the gmail thingie


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