2019 Review
Winding Road
Interesting year.
These are the ten things I found notable.
- NotePlan was updated to 2.0 and includes the ability to sync with both the Calendar and Reminders app. It is a well-rounded application to manage your notes, your events and your tasks.
- Notebooks for iPad, iPhone, Mac and PC • Notebooks got updated to 2.0 and is a full-featured MultiMarkdown based editor for all your devices.
- Alfred - Productivity App for macOS was updated to version 4. It is an app I use 130+ times a day. I paid for the Mega Supporter Powerpack license when I bought it. It is the best money I have spent on software.
- Keyboard Maestro got updated to version 9. This is another app which is crucial to the way I use the computer.
- Scrivener | Literature & Latte was updated to version 3. It includes complete support for MultiMarkdown. If you write, anything, you owe it to yourself to check out this application.
- The venerable text editor BBEdit was updated to version 13. BBEdit includes a ton of Regular Expression goodness baked in. I wasn’t impressed with the update, but mine is decidedly the minority opinion.
- Opal: Easy notes and organizing got updated to a 64-bit application and it is the main outlining program I use. There are other outliners which have more features, but I like Opal. I have been using it for too long to switch.
- Zengobi Curio - Note Taking, Mind Mapping, Brainstorming was updated to version 13. Including the goodness of MultiMarkdown it is an application which gets used all the time. Whenever I have to think things through, Curio is the application I go to. It has all the tools to help me make sense of the topic I am wrestling with. A unique tool to help me think.
- Drafts | Where Text Starts reached macOS with Actions. Drafts has the potential to completely change the way text is edited on macOS. I am looking forward to using this application more in my workflow.
- nvUltra - Searchable, portable, MultiMarkdown notes is still in beta. Getting ready for release soon. This is going to blow your socks off. The NDA stops me from talking about details. Expect a detailed write-up when this gets released.
It was a good year for software. Personally, it was a mixed year.
- The state of politics intruded on my psyche. It is depressing what is happening in the US, UK and India.
- The book is coming along and I am looking at end of second quarter for a release.
- My iMac (27inch, Mid-2011) is still holding up. The MacBook Air (13inch, Early 2015) is letting me play with Mojave. I am in love with both machines.
- I promise to write more in the coming year. This seems to be a promise I make every year.
That is all for the overview of 2019.
Have a good holiday season folks.
Thank you for reading. Thank you to those who got in touch and discussed various topics. You are the people who keep me writing and sharing. Thank you for making me feel useful.
Note: Thanks to Ivica Džambo · Photography for the picture.
macosxguru at the gmail thingie.