Links of Note 2024-01-05
- There are a host of free Markdown based text editors available on macOS. They are indistinguishable from one another. PanWriter is different from the others. It is focused on integration with Pandoc. Which means that it concentrates on your ability to export your Markdown document to any format Pandoc supports. Pandoc is versatile and PanWriter is integrated with it. Great solution if export formats are important to you.
- This was informative. 52 Things I Learned in 2023 - HeyDingus
- Rarely do I get to do a Links of Note article without some contribution from Brett Terpstra. This one continues that trend. macOS keybinding tricks The kill ring -, macOS keybinding tricks the repeat count binding -, and More keybindings Text editing shortcuts - Useful articles from Brett. Talking about Brett, he is building a community, that will be full of information. You should join.
- I am hearing good things about Maccy. For instance, The Best Free Clipboard History & Clipboard Manager for Mac is Maccy. I don’t have a need for a Clipboard manager. Alfred fills that need for me, but you might be interested.
- I went through a similar process. Abandoning Drafts for individual text files. ldstephens talks about his decision, Why I abandoned Drafts and returned to text files for managing my information repository by ldstephens Dec, 2023 Medium.
- Talking about ldstephens, he wrote App-solutely indecisive — ldstephens, and I found myself agreeing and laughing. I have decided to get over my FOMO, and stick to BBEdit.
- Can’t have a Links of Note without mentioning a new font. Monaspace. Get it. Monaspace Neon is my regular font now.
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