Default Apps 2024
- macOS: 10.13.6 on iMac and 12.7.2 on MB Air.
These are the latest systems that can be run on the machines. - Mail App: Mailmate
Mailmate is the ultimate Mail application. My email needs are not extensive, and Mailmate fits the bill. - Junk-cleaner: SpamSieve
SpamSieve keeps me free from spam. It has been on my machine for a long time. It works. - Internet Security: Little Snitch
Lets me know when a program wants to talk to the world outside my computer. - Calendar: Apple Calendar
Apple Calendar is all I need for my calendar. - Notes: Obsidian and BBEdit
I like using Obsidian sometimes, but I am mainly in BBEdit. - To-Do: Obsidian
Obsidian with the Tasks plugin is the solution I have settled on. - Cloud File Storage: iCloud and Dropbox
- Browser: Firefox on the iMac and Safari on the MB Air
- Text: BBEdit
This is the editor for all of my text file needs. I wrote about my decision to use this, here. - Editing Text: iA Writer
iA Writer is best tool I have when I am editing something I have written. Love using it. - Markdown Preview: Marked 2
Marked 2 is in charge of my previewing Markdown needs. - Word Processing: Nisus Writer Express
My needs for word processing are limited. I live in text files. Nisus Writer Express does the job when I need a word processor. - Book Writing: Scrivener
Scrivener manages my manuscripts. It is the best program for writing. I don’t use it for everything only because I am not fond of rich text. - ScreenWriting: Highland 2
Highland is a great solution for scripts or even single Markdown documents. - Mindmapping: iThoughtsX
I like iThoughtsX for my mind-mapping needs. I must admit that I like outlines better for thinking than mind-maps. When I need to visualize my thinking, iThoughtsX comes in handy. - Outlining: Bike on the Air and TaskPaper on the iMac.
I am always living in outlines. I use text editors for outlines too. In fact, everything I write seems to start with an outline. When I am looking for a dedicated outlining program Bike on the Air and TaskPaper on the iMac is what I reach for. - PDF Files: PDF Expert
PDF Expert manages my interactions with PDF files. - Images: Acorn
Acorn is enough for my image manipulation needs. - Information Manager: EagleFiler
EagleFiler is where I dump information. Stable, fast, reliable storage of all kinds of documents. - E-book Reader: Clearview X, and Kindle
- Music Player: Pine Player and iTunes or Music
- Video Player: IINA
- App Launcher: Alfred
Alfred is the most important utility on my computer. I use it for a whole host of things. - Clipboard Manager: Alfred
- Text Expansion: Alfred
- RSS Service: Newsblur
- RSS App: Reeder
- Bookmarks: Pinboard
- Read It Later: Omnivore
- Password Manager: Enpass
- Utilities: Hazel, Keyboard Maestro, AppCleaner, Skitch, HoudahSpot, Keka, and a host of others.
OS: 17.2.1
- Tasks: Clear
- Text: iA Writer
Thanks to all the developers of the programs I use. They make my life better and I am grateful.
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macosxguru at the gmail thingie.