February 27, 2023

Bike Outliner Keeps Improving

Product: Bike 1.9 Preview (103)

Writing about Bike when it was released, I wrote that the product could be improved with the following features:

  • I want to use my own themes and fonts.

Themes are still on the roadmap. Fonts have been implemented. You can use your own fonts and that makes working in it a pleasurable experience.


  • Full screen sucks. I want the editing window in full screen to be smaller than the whole screen of the computer.

Full screen is improved. This makes full-screen workable.

  • Typewriter Scrolling. I don’t want to look at the bottom of the screen when I am writing.

Typewriter ScrollTypewriter Scroll

This is something that is critical to my workflow specially when I have a longish document. Not having to stare at the bottom of the screen is a relief. Makes writing in Bike and working in a long document easier. This was a huge friction point for me. So glad to not have that irritation anymore.

I am enjoying following along with the progression of this application which is central to my workflow. The product gets better with every iteration and the developer, Jesse, is working hard on it. To get preview releases, check this box:

Preview ReleasePreview Release

This is not going to work on the App Store version. You can bug Jesse to change the license to a direct one. If you don’t do that, you are getting an insider look at some of what is coming down the pike for the next major release.

macosxguru at the gmail thingie.

Bike macOS outliner

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